Heart Refuge Mindfulness Community for BIPOC
Washington, DC
Heart Refuge is a community that centers the practice of mindfulness in the experiences and cultures of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC).
Our community understands that we cannot address and relieve the damage of the systems of white supremacy and patriarchy if we do not address and care for our own hearts and bodies.
The co-founders/intention holders, Ayesha Ali & Rashid Hughes offer embodied mindfulness practices, springing from their understanding of intergenerational and intersectional lives of BIPOC.

“We call on the earth to hold us.”
Our Bodies & Minds Are Wise & Sacred
We Meditate to Explore Our Hearts in Freedom
Many of us have spent our lives with our focus outward, seeking either reward or determining dangers. We come together to center ourselves, our bodies and our hearts. We find freedom in that exploration.
We Reclaim the Wisdom of Our Bodies Through Movement & Breathing
We understand meditation as a practice of awareness and not solely postures, silence, or stillness. We focus on practices that encourage participants to connect with their bodies. We focus inward and explore the experience of rest as a way of reclaiming our bodies which have often been ignored in efforts to obtain economic and physical security.